Health insurance costs varies from age, location in Spain and your current health or pre existing conditions
Co payment health insurance policies are the most cost effective cover on the market. Prices range from 30 euros to 100 euros, pending on your age, address and your current health . The Low premiums will attract higher copayments (copago). These policies are suitable for people with lower budgets or who simply don't visit doctors or hospitals very often. These policies are only for Spain
Full cover health insurance policies tend to be much higher because all your health expenses are covered (sin copago) - Prices varies between 50-150 euros , pending on your age, address and your current health - These policies are only for Spain
Reimbursement cover / Global insurance - Prices are slightly higher than the above full cover policies. The benefit is that you have the option to use these insurance policies abroad or in Spain (outside of the medical directory) - You receive a 90% refund of your medical expenses abroad and 80% when in Spain ( outside of the DKV medical directory). -You are 100% covered when using the doctors and hospitals in the DKV medical directory.
All our policies include dental and emergency travel assistance.
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